Mawakhat: Stories of Resilience and Rehabilitation is a book that captures the struggles, hopes, and triumphs of the brave people of Pakistan in the aftermath of the devastating floods of 2022. The book features over a hundred stories and portraits and shows us the lives of people who rebuilt their homes with the help of interest-free loans. Their stories serve as testimonials of the strength of the human spirit and reflect the commitment of Akhuwat to Mawakhat (Solidarity between the haves and have-nots) over the last two decades.

Why is the book titled Mawakhat?


Mawakhat, meaning ‘solidarity between haves and have-nots,’ is a word associated with a pivotal moment in Islamic history, when citizens of Mecca, the Muhajireen or immigrants, relocated to Medina to escape religious persecution. The people of Medina, the Ansar or helpers, welcomed the migrants selflessly, sharing half their wealth to help them start a new life.


Since its beginning, Akhuwat has remained committed to the spirit of Mawakhat across all its programs. The book is titled Mawakhat because Akhuwat was able to provide relief and help people rebuild their homes through donations from people with means who could help their brothers and sisters, suffering the consequences of the catastrophic floods. 

Dr. Amjad Saqib

This book is a humble effort to share the depth and scale of losses endured by people affected by the floods. It also aims to acknowledge their extraordinary resilience and courage in the face of this colossal disaster. Featuring over a hundred portraits and stories, it provides glimpses of individuals whose homes Akhuwat assisted in repairing and rebuilding. Beyond mere images of children, men, and women, these pages offer insight into their fears and hopes.


Founder and Chairman, Akhuwat


“Bone cancer, one leg amputated, life could not get worse, but then the rains came. My wife had always stood by my side. Even when I did not want to burden her with my disability, she said to me, ‘I’ll stay with you no matter what happens.’ Those words of her unshakable commitment and love etched themselves deeply into my heart. True to her words, she was by my side when the walls of our house caved in. Together and with the support of Akhuwat, we rebuilt our home. We believe that this too was a trial from God. In our new home, our children are healthy and well. I continue to earn an honest living as a bookseller and my wife stitches clothes. Life could not be better.”


Muhammad Iqbal

Khairpur, Sindh

“The rains lasted for about three months. During that time, there were days when it poured relentlessly without pause. One time, we sat under a dripping roof for four consecutive days. The mill I worked at was closed, so we had no source of income. As if that was not enough, the foundation of our house gave way. Then began our days and nights under a tent. I would not wish such hardship on my worst enemy. Thank God, we have now built a stronger home for our family.”

Sadiq Ali

Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab

“It is strange to contemplate that I have outlived all my children. When they passed away years ago, I consoled myself with the belief that they are closer to God, that it was simply His will to call them to Him. I now think this way about most things. The flood was terrible, but I could not have prevented it. The night the waters came, there was chaos all around. People were screaming and scrambling for shelter. My house did not escape the damage either. But with the grace of God and the interest-free loan from Akhuwat, I was able to rebuild.”


Imam Baksh
Bela, Balochistan







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Messages from Our Sponsors

The stories in this book share the plight of the families who lost everything but hope. Despite the dire circumstances, their faith in life remained unwearied. Families endured terrible living conditions in tents, living without food and clean water. They always believed that society would not leave them alone and would bring them and their loved ones back to their homes. They hoped to build homes much stronger than the ones washed by the floods.


Dr Suhail Chughtai
Chairman of Chughtai Foundation

This book titled as “Mawakhat” is a reflection of support provided by Akhuwat and its partners to the flood affectees. The compassion with which Akhuwat empowers its beneficiaries is truly remarkable… These stories echo the philosophy of Mawakhat and urge us to go beyond self-interest and celebrate the rebuilding of not only the infrastructure that was destroyed by the floods but also of hope to begin a new life.


Ahmed Hayat Lak
Managing Director & CEO, Oil & Gas
Development Company Limited

Mawakhat is support and solidarity. It is hope in times of despair, hope that enables us to get back up, each time we fall. Mawakhat is the basis of humanity; one of the most human instincts in times of crisis. As we navigate through pages of Mawakhat, we find ourselves immersed in the narratives of heroes, seemingly ordinary people who, in the face of loss, demonstrate remarkable courage.


Amir Paracha
Managing Director & CEO, Oil & Gas
Chairman & CEO, Unilever Pakistan

2022 Floods

In the summer of 2022, Pakistan faced the world’s deadliest floods of the last few years. The monsoon caused record levels of rainfall, totaling 370mm between July and August— about 210% above the average. The unrelenting rains, combined with melting glaciers due to climate change, resulted in severe flooding across the country. Out of the 33 million Pakistanis, who were impacted, 1,700 people lost their lives to the floods. In addition, crops, livestock, infrastructure, homes, and livelihoods were affected. The floods fully or partially damaged more than 2 million houses nationwide.


The impact of the 2022 floods far exceeded that of the last comparable floods in 2010, which affected over 20 million people. While 1,784,126 hectares of agricultural land have been adversely impacted, over 800,000 animals also perished in the floods.
Akhuwat played a pivotal part in providing relief to the affectees and provided cash donations, ration packs, cooked meals, clothes, tents, and medical services. Later, Akhuwat carried out rehabilitation efforts across the four provinces of Pakistan and helped build about 6,000+ houses for the affectees through interest-free loans. Moreover, Akhuwat successfully supported over 10,000 entrepreneurs and farmers by providing them with interest-free loans.